Enrol in Courses
The time has come to register for classes! In a few short semesters, building your timetable will feel like second nature, but like any new undertaking, the first time around might feel confusing. Luckily YU Start was designed to make your life a little easier. Create an account and follow along not only to enrol in courses, but also to connect with peers, faculty members and staff!
YU Start is available for most programs. For other faculties go through the Undergraduate Enrolment and Registration Guide
English Proficiency Supports
If you're at all worried about your English language skills as you prepare for university, we have resources to support you. Even if you're just looking to develop friendships through conversation, or getting assistance from experts to help you understand your assignments, there is something for everyone!
English Conversation Partner Program
The English Conversation Partner Program is designed to help students who speak English as a second language to improve on their skills by being paired with a student who speaks English more fluently. Students have an opportunity to develop friendships while exploring on and off-campus activities.
ESL Open Learning Centre
The ESL Open Learning Centre provides support for students looking to improve their English Language Skills through reading, writing, and speaking in English. Experts from the writing centre provide support through drop-in, individual or small group sessions.
Academic Integrity
During your studies at York University, you will be required assigned a wide variety of writing-based projects including essays, presentations and more. It is important to know how to use incorporate your research properly to avoid the risk of plagiarism.
Plagiarism means taking another person’s ideas, or words, and presenting them as if they were your own. It's imperative that you understand how to cite your sources, and refer to them in your work.
Academic integrity is enforced to ensure that you’re studying responsibly and applying yourself. You should be honest, respectful, trustworthy, fair and responsible when you complete assignments and exams. It is your responsibility to ensure you understand the Academic Integrity policies and how this is applied to your coursework and assignments.
York University has created an Academic Integrity website that is dedicated to providing you with resources, tools and the knowledge to help you carry out your work with integrity. You will find information on:
• Avoiding a breach;
• Resources help you succeed;
• Academic Honesty modules;
• Frequently asked questions around Academic Integrity.
General Resources
There are also general resources available to all York University undergraduate students.
Preparing for a Canadian Classroom
There may be some differences to note when you come to study at York University. You could feel a change of what is expected of you in the classroom and in terms of your written work.
Learn about the about the changes you can expect when you study at York.
Classroom formats
At York University, you can expect to be taught in different ways. The most common ways of teaching and learning you will come across are lectures, tutorials, seminars and laboratory sessions.
A lecture is a type of class in which the professor gives a formal talk about a particular topic.
A seminar generally refers to upper-year courses where the number of students is small and the emphasis is on discussion amongst the professor and his/her students.
Labs are classes held for science students for the purpose of conducting scientific experiments. For example, you would attend a Biology lab to dissect a frog and record the results of the experiment.
Tutorials supplement a lecture. A lecture is often held for a large group of students where your ability to interact is more limited than in small classroom settings. All lectures therefore 'break-up' the class into smaller sections, called tutorials, where students have an opportunity to discuss the course materials and assignments and share ideas. Tutorials can be led by the course director (or professor), but can also be led by a Teaching Assistant.
Contact Us
International Student and Scholar Services
- General Advising and Immigration: iadvisor@yorku.ca
- Health Insurance: uhip@yorku.ca
- General Inquiries: intlstudentquestions@yorku.ca
When emailing us, please include in your email:
- Your student number in the subject line
- Your full name
- Your citizenship(s)
- If you are in or outside Canada
- All permit and visa expiration dates (if applicable)
- Any relevant documents
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